Everything you need to know about Pea seeds
Growing Pea Seeds: Questions & Answers (Updated 01/28/2025)

Do you need to soak pea seeds before planting?
While it's not essential, soaking pea seeds before planting helps to soften the seed coat, allowing for quicker germination. This can lead to earlier and more successful plant growth.
When should I plant peas?
Peas thrive in cool weather, making early spring or late fall ideal planting times. Aim for soil temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit for successful germination.
How deep do you plant pea seeds? Plant pea seeds about 1-2 inches deep in the soil. Covering them lightly protects them from birds and insulates them.
How far apart do I need to plant pea seeds? Space pea seeds 2-3 inches apart within rows to allow for healthy plant growth and prevent overcrowding.
How often to water pea plants? Peas prefer consistent moisture but dislike overly wet soil. Water deeply and regularly, especially during flowering and pod development.
How can I support pea plants?
You can use stakes, driven into the ground and tied together with twine, or netting attached to stakes or fences. Trellises, constructed from bamboo canes or wooden stakes, also provide excellent support. Chicken wire can be stretched along a row of peas, offering a supportive surface.
What type of soil do peas prefer?
Peas thrive in loose, well-drained soil rich in organic matter.
How long does it take for peas to germinate?
Pea seeds typically germinate within 7-10 days under ideal conditions. However, this can vary depending on soil temperature and moisture levels.
How long does it take for peas to mature?
The time it takes for peas to mature depends on the variety. Early peas can be ready to harvest in as little as 60 days, while later varieties may take up to 90 days.
What are common pests and diseases affecting peas?
Pea aphids, pea weevils, and powdery mildew are common problems. Crop rotation, proper spacing, and good garden hygiene can help prevent issues.
Can you grow peas in containers? Yes, peas can be successfully grown in containers. Choose dwarf varieties and ensure the container is large enough to accommodate the plant's root system (about 60cm in diameter minimum) and has good drainage.
When should I harvest peas?
The timing of pea harvest depends on the variety. Sugar snap peas are ready when the pods are tender and bright green. Shelling peas are best picked when the pods are full and plump but not hard. Overripe peas become starchy and less flavorful.
Can I save pea seeds for next year?
Yes! Allow the pods to fully dry on the plant before harvesting. Extract the seeds and store them in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. This ensures seed viability for the following growing season.
What can I do with pea vines after harvesting?
Pea vines are valuable additions to the garden ecosystem. They can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil amendments. Also, you can incorporate them directly into the garden as green manure, enriching the soil with organic matter and nitrogen.
What are companion plants for peas?
Peas exhibit beneficial relationships with carrots, corn, and radishes. The nitrogen-fixing abilities of peas improve soil fertility, benefiting the growth of these companion plants.
How can I prevent pea powdery mildew?
Proper garden care is essential for preventing pea powdery mildew. Ensure good air circulation around plants to help to reduce humidity levels, which can contribute to the disease. Avoid overhead watering and maintain appropriate spacing between plants.
How do I care for peas in containers?
Container-grown peas require consistent moisture, as they dry out more quickly than those planted in the ground. Regular watering is essential, especially during hot weather. Fertilize your pea plants with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks to support growth and production. Providing support for climbing varieties is also important.
What are the best pea varieties for containers?
Dwarf pea varieties are ideal for container gardening due to their compact size. Some popular options include 'Little Marvel,' 'Early Dwarf Grey,' and 'Sugar Snap Peas.'
Can I grow peas indoors?
Peas prefer cooler temperatures and longer daylight hours, which can be challenging to replicate indoors. However, you can try growing them on a sunny windowsill or in a greenhouse. Be prepared to supplement natural light with artificial lighting and maintain cool temperatures.