Everything you need to know about Nasturtium Seeds

Nasturtium Jalapa Seeds Questions & Answers

Nasturtium growing questions

Where do nasturtiums grow best?
Nasturtiums prefer moderate temperatures and grow best in well-draining soil and full sun to partial shade. 

What are the benefits of eating nasturtiums?
Nasturtium leaves, flowers, and seeds are edible and add a peppery flavor to salads, sandwiches, and other dishes. They are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which support immune health and fight inflammation. 

Can you grow nasturtiums in pots?
Yes, nasturtiums can be easily grown in pots or containers. Choose a pot that is at least 20-30cm deep and wide and has drainage holes. Fill the container with well-draining potting soil, sow the seeds, and place the pot in a sunny location. 

Can you eat all nasturtium?
All nasturtiums are edible and you can eat all parts of the plant, including the flowers, leaves, and seeds. The flowers and leaves are commonly used in salads and as garnishes due to their peppery flavor, the seeds are typically pickled as they have a stronger and spicier taste. Always ensure that the nasturtiums you consume are grown without pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

Are nasturtiums climbing or trailing?
Nasturtiums can be either climbing or trailing depending on the variety. Climbing nasturtium varieties include 'Alaska', 'Black Velvet', and 'Jewel of Africa'. Trailing varieties include 'Empress of India', 'Peach Melba', and 'Whirlybird Mix'.

What should you not plant next to nasturtiums?
Although nasturtiums deter pests like aphids and whiteflies, they can attract cabbage butterflies, which may lay eggs on nearby brassicas. It's advisable to avoid planting nasturtiums next to members of the cabbage family, like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, to prevent potential infestations.

Are nasturtium seeds easy to grow?
Yes, nasturtium seeds are generally easy to grow. They have a hard seed coat that benefits from scarification or soaking before planting to help with germination. Once planted, they tend to sprout quickly and grow vigorously, making them a popular choice with beginner gardeners.

Should you soak nasturtium seeds before sowing?
Soaking nasturtium seeds isn't absolutely necessary since they germinate easily, but soaking can help to soften the seed coat and potentially speed up germination. If you choose to soak them, keep them for no more than 12-24 hours in lukewarm water. After soaking, plant the seeds immediately in moist soil. 

How do I save nasturtium seeds for next year?
Allow the nasturtium flowers to mature on the plant until they begin to dry out and the petals wilt and fall off. When the remaining seed pods turn brown and feel dry to the touch, open the seed pods and collect the seeds inside. Store the collected seeds in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.

How long does it take for nasturtium seeds to germinate?
Nasturtium seeds typically germinate within 7-10 days. Pre-soaking, providing warmth, adequate moisture, and well-draining soil can help speed up the germination process.

How long does it take for nasturtium seeds to mature?
Nasturtiums generally take about 60 to 90 days to mature from seed to full flowering, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Once they reach maturity, they will continue to flower throughout the growing season, typically until the first frost. Nasturtium seeds typically mature within 8 to 12 weeks after flowering. It's best to wait until the seeds are fully developed and have turned brown before harvesting them for storage or replanting.

How long do nasturtiums last?
Nasturtiums are annual plants that typically last for one growing season. They will continue to flower throughout the growing season until the first frost.

Do nasturtiums need big pots?
Nasturtiums do not necessarily require large pots, but they do need sufficient space for their roots to grow. A pot with a diameter of at least 20-30 cm should provide ample space for a single nasturtium plant to thrive.

Do nasturtiums like wet soil?
No, nasturtiums prefer well-draining soil and do not thrive in wet or waterlogged conditions. Overly wet soil can lead to root rot and other issues. It's best to allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering to prevent problems and promote healthy growth.

How deep should a container be for nasturtiums?
A container for nasturtiums should be at least 20-30 centimeters deep to accommodate their root system and provide ample space for growth.

How much space do nasturtiums need?
Nasturtiums generally need about 20-30 centimeters of space between plants when planted in the ground or in containers to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

Do nasturtiums have deep roots?
Nasturtiums have relatively shallow roots, typically extending down to about 15-30 centimeters in depth.

Can nasturtiums be a houseplant?
Ye, nasturtiums can be grown indoors as a houseplant, provided they receive sufficient light. Place them near a sunny window where they can get at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Nasturtium seed questions







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