Everything you need to know about Eryngium Seeds

Eryngium Seeds Questions & Answers

Eryngium questions

Can Eryngium be grown from seed?
Yes, Eryngium can most certainly be grown from seed. Sow the seeds in well-draining soil, keep them moist, and provide adequate sunlight for germination. Keep in mind that germination can be erratic (between 5-90 days) and there is a chance that Eryngium won't flower the first year.

Can eryngiums be grown in pots?
Yes, eryngium is well suited to be grown in pots, planters and containers. Choose a pot with at least 30-45cm in diameter and depth and make sure there are drainage holes. 

Can you dry Eryngium flowers?
Yes! To dry Eryngium flowers, harvest them when they are fully open but still firm to the touch. Remove any excess leaves from the stems and hang the flowers upside down in a dry, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. They might take several weeks to dry completely (depending on humidity levels).

How long do eryngium seeds take to germinate?
Ah, the question we all want to know, experienced gardeners and professionals alike! Eryngium can be quite erratic in its germination rates. Generally, you will see sprouts after 7-21 days but sometimes they take their sweet time and can take up to 60 days. Please be patient with them!

Where is the best place to plant eryngiums?
Eryngium develops an extensive root system and don't like to be transplanted. For this reason, the best place to plant eryngiums is in the location that they will be able to remain undisturbed. They need a spot with well-draining soil and at least 6-8 hrs of sunlight a day. They are drought-tolerant once established.

Can you take cuttings from Eryngium?
Yes, you can propagate Eryngium by taking cuttings. The best time for this is in late spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. Cut the stem just below a leaf node and remove the lower leaves. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone to encourage root development (not absolutely necessary). Plant the cutting in a well-draining soil mix and keep them moist until roots develop.

How do you collect Eryngium seeds?
Wait until the flower heads have dried on the plant (usually in late summer or early fall). Cut the dried flower heads from the plant and place them in a paper bag or envelope. Allow the flower heads to further dry indoors for a week or two. Once dry, gently shake or rub the flower heads to release the seeds into the bag or envelope. Store the collected seeds in a cool, dry place until you are ready to sow again.

What is the common name for Eryngium?
The common name for Eryngium is Sea Holly or Blue Thistle.

What does the Eryngium symbolize?
Eryngium, commonly known as sea holly, symbolizes admiration, independence, and uniqueness. It is often associated with strength and resilience due to its ability to thrive in harsh coastal environments.

Is Eryngium edible?
In some species, the tender early shoots and leaves are consumed and are said to have a nutty, sweet flavor similar to asparagus. For other eryngium species, the roots can be roasted for their sweet and earthy taste, resembling parsnips or chestnut. IMPORTANT: It's crucial to consult reliable experts to accurately identify the Eryngium species before consumption as many varieties are not edible or even poisonous. 

Do Eryngium seeds need light to germinate?
Yes, erygium planum (sea holly) seeds do need light for germination so cover them only lightly with soil when sowing.

Is Eryngium a thistle?
No, while they do indeed resemble thistles, Eryngium belongs to the Apiaceae family (also known as the carrot family), while true thistles belong to the Asteraceae family (the daisy family).

What goes well with Eryngium?
Try planting Eryngium with ornamental grasses for contrasting textures, perennial flowers such as lavender for a complementary color scheme, drought-tolerant plants like agastache for a low-maintenance garden, and other Mediterranean plants like rosemary or sage for a cohesive theme and to attract pollinators.

How tall do Eryngium get?
Eryngium comes in a wide variety of species, and their heights can vary significantly depending on the specific type. The dwarf varieties (like Blue Hobbit) stay at around 30cm tall. The medium varieties such as the sea hollies grow between 45-90cm tall and the giant eryngiums can reach up to 1-2 meters in height.

How do you root Sea Holly?
To root Sea Holly (Eryngium), you can propagate it either through division or stem cuttings. Division: Dig up the mature plant in early spring or fall, separate the roots into smaller sections, each containing at least one shoot and a portion of the root system. Replant the divisions at the same depth as the original plant. Stem Cuttings: Cut a section of stem below a leaf node. Remove the lower leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a container filled with well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil consistently moist and provide indirect sunlight. After several weeks, roots should develop, and you can transplant the rooted cutting into the garden or a larger pot.

Is Eryngium a bulb?
No, Eryngium, commonly known as Sea Holly, is not a bulb. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows from seeds or from its root system, but it does not produce bulbs for propagation like some other plants do.

Is Eryngium a perennial?
Yes, Eryngium, also known as Sea Holly, is a perennial plant. It will grow and blooms year after year, provided it is given proper care and growing conditions.

Is Eryngium easy to grow?
Yes, overall, Eryngium is a resilient and adaptable plant and is generally considered easy to grow. It thrives in well-draining soil and full sun, and once established, it is drought-tolerant and relatively low-maintenance.

Why is Eryngium called sea holly?
Eryngium is commonly called "sea holly" because of its resemblance to the prickly leaves of the true holly plant and because of its natural habitat near coastal regions. Additionally, the plant's blue or silvery-blue color is reminiscent of the sea.

What is the difference between blue thistle and sea holly?
Sea holly usually refers to plants in the genus Eryngium and belongs to the Apiaceae family. Blue thistle is a common name for sea holly. It is also a common name for Echinops ritro (aka Globe thistle) and Cirsium palustre (aka Marsh thistle)both of which belong to the Asteraceae (Daisy) family.

Eryngium seed questions




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