How to grow Pumpkin Jack O' Lantern Seeds

Although pumpkin seeds germinate in about 7-14 days, pumpkins need an average of 75 to 100 days to maturity, meaning they have one of the longest growing seasons of all vegetables. The time you will need to sow your pumpkin seeds will depend on where you live; if you live in a cooler climate then you should sow your seeds late May, whereas you need to start in early June if you are in a hot climate.

Pumpkins prefer soil with a high nutrient content that drains well. So, before you begin to plant you must remove any debris including rocks from the soil. Pumpkins also need room to grow, especially larger varieties that can grow vines up to 50cm long. Furthermore, the seeds should be planted 2-3cm below the surface of the soil.

Pumpkin seeds will need to receive direct sunlight for the majority of the day so find a sunny spot in your garden to sow your seeds. While pumpkins are growing, they will need a lot of water. Aim for at least 2-3cm of water every day but keep in mind that they may need more if you live in a dry or very hot climate.

As these seeds will produce large fruits you should consider using a fertilizer on a regular basis. A high nitrogen fertilizer when the pumpkins begin to grow will help promote foliage growth.

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